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Symfony Side-by-Side Reference

Symfony Side-by-Side Reference for versions 1.0.x - 1.3.x/1.4.x - 2.0.x

This is a work in progress. If you want to contribute or if you have corrections, please fork and report on GitHub

by Andréia Bohner

Last updated in: .


Tasks (commands)

1.0 1.3 / 1.4 2.0
Usage $ symfony task_name $ symfony [options] task_name [arguments] $ php app/console [options] command [arguments]
Options for every task (command) -
--help -H
Display this help message
--quiet -q
Do not log messages to standard output
--trace -t
Turn on invoke/execute tracing, enable full backtrace
--version -V
Display the program version
Forces ANSI color output
To output help as XML
--help -h
Display this help message.
--quiet -q
Do not output any message.
--verbose -v
Increase verbosity of messages.
--version -V
Display this application version.
Force ANSI output.
Disable ANSI output.
--no-interaction -n
Do not ask any interactive question.
--shell -s
Launch the shell.
--env -e
The Environment name.
Switches off debug mode.
List available tasks (commands) $ symfony -T $ symfony list [--xml] [namespace]
$ symfony
$ php app/console list
$ php app/console
Installed version of the symfony package (and path of the symfony libraries used by CLI) $ symfony -V $ symfony -V $ console
Displays help for a task (command) - $ symfony help [--xml] [task_name] $ php app/console help [command]
Creates a skeleton class for a new task - $ symfony generate:task [--dir=[lib/task]] [--use-database=[doctrine|propel|main|false]] [--brief-description="..."] <task_name>


1.0 1.3 / 1.4 2.0
Clear the cached information $ symfony clear-cache [template|config]
$ symfony cc [template|config]
$ symfony cache:clear [--app=app_name] [--env=[prod|dev]] [--type=type]
$ symfony cc
$ php app/console cache:clear [--no-warmup]
Warms up an empty cache - - $ php app/console cache:warmup
Configure the author for a project. Used by the generates to pre-configure the PHPDoc header - $ symfony configure:author <author_name>
Displays current routes for an application - $ symfony app:routes <app_name> [route_name] $ php app/console router:debug [route_name]
Dumps all routes as Apache rewrite rules - - $ php app/console router:dump-apache [--base-uri=...] [script_name]
Initialize the project. Create basic directory structure for a new project in the current directory $ symfony init-project $ symfony generate:project [--orm=[Doctrine|Propel|none]] [--installer=installer_script] <project_name> [author_name]
Initialize an application. Creates basic directory structure for a new application in the current project. PHP files corresponding to the front controllers of each default environment are also created in the project root web/ directory $ symfony init-app <app_name> $ symfony generate:app [--escaping-strategy=...] [--csrf-secret=...] <app_name>
Initialize a module. Creates the basic directory structure for a new module in an existing application. $ symfony init-module <application_name> <module_name> $ symfony generate:module <app_name> <module_name>
Synchronise the current project with another machine $ symfony sync <environment_name> [go]
Deploys a project on a server. The server must be configured in config/properties.ini. The --rsync-dir is the directory where to look for rsync*.txt files - $ symfony project:deploy [--go] [--rsync-dir=config] [--rsync-options=[-azC|--force|--delete|--progress]] <server_name>
Convert the project to an independent, stand-alone application $ symfony freeze
Revert a project to its initial state. It erases the data/symfony/, lib/symfony/ and web/sf/ $ symfony unfreeze
Temporarily disable your application, when you need to upgrade a library or a large amount of data $ symfony disable <application_name> <environment_name> $ symfony project:disable <env_name> [app1] ... [appN]
Reenables the application and clears the cache $ symfony enable <application_name> <environment_name> $ symfony project:enable <env_name> [app1] ... [appN]
Clears all non production environment controllers $ symfony clear-controllers $ symfony project:clear-controllers
Fixes directory permissions, to change the log/ and cache/ permissions to 0777 (these directories need to be writable) $ symfony fix-perms $ symfony project:permissions
Optimizes a project for better performance. This task should only be used on a prod server - $ symfony project:optimize <app_name> [env_name]
Detects deprecated usage in your project - $ symfony project:validate
Displays current services for an application - - $ php app/console container:debug [--show-private] [service_name]
Dumps all assets to the filesystem - - $ php app/console assetic:dump [--watch] [--force] [--period=...] [write_to]


1.0 1.3 / 1.4 2.0
Configures the database DSN for a project - $ symfony configure:database [--env=env_name] [--name=conn_name] [--class=db_class_name] [--app=app_name] <dsn> [username] [password]
Propel: Generate the schema.yml for representation of an existing database. For schema.xml use option xml $ symfony propel-build-schema [xml] $ symfony propel:build-schema [--application=app_name] [--env=env_name] [--connection=conn_name] [--xml] [--phing-arg=arbitrary_phing_arguments]
Propel: Generate the PHP classes for the model, according with the schema.yml $ symfony propel-build-model
The base data access classes will be created in the myproject/lib/model/om/. The data access classes will be created in myproject/lib/model
$ symfony propel:build-model [--phing-arg=arbitrary_phing_arguments]
Propel: Creates form classes for the current model - $ symfony propel:build-forms [--connection=conn_name] [--model-dir-name=model_dir_name] [--form-dir-name=form_dir_name] [--application=app_name] [--generator-class=generator_class_name]
Read the schema information in and/or from the project and all installed plugins
Propel: Creates filter form classes from the schema for the current model - $ symfony propel:build-filters [--connection=conn_name] [--model-dir-name=model_dir_name] [--filter-dir-name=filter_form_dir_name] [--application=app_name] [--generator-class=generator_class]
Propel: Generates code based on your schema. You must specify what you would like built. - $ symfony propel:build [--application=app_name] [--env=env_name] [--no-confirmation] [--all] [--all-classes] [--model] [--forms] [--filters] [--sql] [--db] [--and-load=fixture_file] [--and-append=fixture_file]
Propel: Generates model and form classes, SQL and initializes the database - $ symfony propel:build-all [--application=app_name] [--env=env_name] [--connection=conn_name] [--no-confirmation] [-F|--skip-forms] [-C|--classes-only] [--phing-arg=arbitrary_phing_arguments]
Propel: Generates model and form classes, SQL, initializes the database, and loads data - $ symfony propel:build-all-load [--application=app_name] [--env=env_name] [--connection=conn_name] [--no-confirmation] [-F|--skip-forms] [-C|--classes-only] [--phing-arg=arbitrary_phing_arguments] [--append] [--dir=fixture_dir]
Propel: Generate a new CRUD module based on a class from the model (Scaffolding) $ symfony propel-generate-crud <application_name> <module_name> <model_name> $ symfony propel:generate-module [--theme=theme_name] [--generate-in-cache] [--non-verbose-templates] [--with-show] [--singular=singular_name] [--plural=plural_name] [--route-prefix=route_prefix] [--with-propel-route] [--env=env_name] [--actions-base-class=base_class_for_actions] <app_name> <module_name> <model_name>
Propel: Generates a module for a route definition - $ symfony propel:generate-module-for-route [--theme=them_name] [--non-verbose-templates] [--singular=singular_name] [--plural=plural_name] [--env=env_name] [--actions-base-class=base_class_for_actions] <app_name> <route_name>
Propel: Generate the SQL code to create the tables described in the schema.yml $ symfony propel-build-sql
(in myproject/data/sql/lib.model.schema.sql)
$ symfony propel:build-sql [--phing-arg=arbitrary_phing_arguments]
(in myproject/config/sql/*schema.sql)
Propel: Create an empty database $ symfony propel-build-db -
Propel: Insert the SQL code into the database $ symfony propel-insert-sql
(from lib.model.schema.sql file)
$ symfony propel:insert-sql [--application=app_name] [--env=env_name] [--connection=conn_name] [--no-confirmation] [--phing-arg=arbitrary_phing_arguments]
Propel: Initialize a new admin module based on a class from the model $ symfony propel-init-admin <application_name> <module_name> <model_name> $ symfony propel:generate-admin [--module=module_name] [--theme=theme_name] [--singular=singular_name] [--plural=plural_name] [--env=env_name] [--actions-base-class=base_class_for_actions] <app_name> <route_or_model>
Propel: Loads data fixtures into the database. Loads data from all the files found in data/fixtures/ - $ symfony propel:data-load [--application=app_name] [--env=env_name] [--append] [--connection=conn_name] [dir_or_file1] ... [dir_or_fileN]
Propel: Dumps database data to the fixtures directory - $ symfony propel:data-dump [--application=app_name] [--env=env_name] [--connection=conn_name] [--classes=...] [target]
E.g.:$ symfony propel:data-dump > data/fixtures/dump.yml
Propel: Creates a graphviz DOT visualization for automatic graph drawing of object model - $ symfony propel:graphviz [--phing-arg=arbitrary_phing_arguments]
Propel: Converts YML schemas to XML - $ symfony propel:schema-to-xml
Propel: Converts XML schemas to YML - $ symfony propel:schema-to-yml
Doctrine: Generates code based on your schema - $ symfony doctrine:build [--application=app_name] [--env=env_name] [--no-confirmation] [--all] [--all-classes] [--model] [--forms] [--filters] [--sql] [--db] [--and-migrate] [--and-load=fixture_file] [--and-append=fixture_file]
Doctrine: Creates one or more databases - $ symfony doctrine:build-db [--application=app_name] [--env=env_name] [database1] ... [databaseN]
based on configuration in config/databases.yml
$ php app/console doctrine:database:create [--connection=...]
Doctrine: Creates form filter classes from the schema. The classes are created in lib/doctrine/filter - $ symfony doctrine:build-filters [--application=app_name] [--env=env_name] [--model-dir-name=...] [--filter-dir-name=form_dir_name] [--generator-class=generator_class_name]
Doctrine: Creates form classes from the schema for the current model. The classes are created in lib/doctrine/form - $ symfony doctrine:build-forms [--application=app_name] [--env=env_name] [--model-dir-name=...] [--form-dir-name=form_dir_name] [--generator-class=generator_class_name] -
Doctrine: Generates a form class based on a Doctrine entity - - $ php app/console doctrine:generate:form <entity>
Doctrine: Creates model classes from the schema. Read the schema information in config/doctrine/*.yml - $ symfony doctrine:build-model [--application=app_name] [--env=env_name]
Doctrine: Creates a schema from an existing database ([sf2] Convert mapping information between supported formats) - $ symfony doctrine:build-schema [--application=app_name] [--env=env_name]
The task creates a yml file in config/doctrine
$ php app/console doctrine:mapping:convert [--filter=...] [--force] [--from-database] [--extend=...] [--num-spaces=...] [--namespace=...] [--em=...] <to-type> <dest-path>
Doctrine: Creates SQL for the current model. The generated SQL is optimized for the database configured in config/databases.yml - $ symfony doctrine:build-sql [--application=app_name] [--env=env_name]
Doctrine: Delete all generated model classes for models which no longer exist in your YAML schema. - $ symfony doctrine:clean-model-files [--no-confirmation]
Alias: doctrine:clean
Doctrine: Drop and recreate tables for specified models - $ symfony doctrine:create-model-tables [--application=app_name] [--env=env_name] [models1] ... [modelsN]
Doctrine: Dumps the database data in data/fixtures/%target_filename% - $ symfony doctrine:data-dump [--application=app_name] [--env=env_name] [target_filename]
Doctrine: Loads data from all the files found in data/fixtures/. Using the option --append, the task don't delete current data in the database - $ symfony doctrine:data-load [--application=app_name] [--env=env_name] [--append] [dir_or_file1] ... [dir_or_fileN]
Doctrine: Deletes all files associated with certain models - $ symfony doctrine:delete-model-files [--no-confirmation] model_name1 ... [model_nameN]
Doctrine: Executes a DQL query and displays the formatted results - $ symfony doctrine:dql [--application=app_name] [--env=env_name] [--show-sql] [--table] [param1] ... [paramN]
Doctrine: Drops databases - $ symfony doctrine:drop-db [--application=app_name] [--env=env_name] [--no-confirmation] [db1] ... [dbN]
(for current model)
$ php app/console doctrine:database:drop [--connection=...] [--force]
Doctrine: Generates a Doctrine admin module - $ symfony doctrine:generate-admin [--module=module_name] [--theme=theme_name] [--singular=singular_name] [--plural=plural_name] [--env=env_name] [--actions-base-class=base_class_for_actions] <app_name> <route_or_model>
Doctrine: Generates migration template - $ symfony doctrine:generate-migration [--application=app_name] [--env=env_name] [--editor-cmd=...] <name>
Doctrine: Generates migration classes from existing database connections - $ symfony doctrine:generate-migrations-db [--application=app_name] [--env=env_name]
Doctrine: Generate migration classes by producing a diff between your old and new schema - $ symfony doctrine:generate-migrations-diff [--application=app_name] [--env=env_name]
Doctrine: Generates migration classes from an existing set of models - $ symfony doctrine:generate-migrations-models [--application=app_name] [--env=env_name]
Doctrine: Generates a Doctrine module - $ symfony doctrine:generate-module [--theme=theme_name] [--generate-in-cache] [--non-verbose-templates] [--with-show] [--singular=singular_name] [--plural=plural_name] [--route-prefix=route_prefix] [--with-doctrine-route] [--env=env_name] [--actions-base-class=base_class_for_actions] <app_name> <module_name> <model_class_name>
Doctrine: Generates a Doctrine module for a route definition - $ symfony doctrine:generate-module-for-route [--theme=them_name] [--non-verbose-templates] [--singular=singular_name] [--plural=plural_name] [--env=env_name] [--actions-base-class=base_class_for_actions] <app_name> <route_name>
Doctrine: Inserts SQL for current model. The task connects to the database and creates tables for all the lib/model/doctrine/*.class.php files. - $ symfony doctrine:insert-sql [--application=app_name] [--env=env_name]
Doctrine: Migrates database to current/specified version - $ symfony doctrine:migrate [--application=app_name] [--env=env_name] [--up] [--down] [--dry-run] [version]
Doctrine: Generates a new Doctrine entity inside a bundle - - $ php app/console doctrine:generate:entity [--entity=...] [--fields=...] [--format=...] [--with-repository]
Doctrine: Clears all metadata cache for an entity manager - - $ php app/console doctrine:cache:clear-metadata [--em=...]
Doctrine: Clears all query cache for an entity manager - - $ php app/console doctrine:cache:clear-query [--em=...]
Doctrine: Clears result cache for an entity manager - - $ php app/console doctrine:cache:clear-result [--flush] [--em=...]
Doctrine: Imports mapping information from an existing database - - $ php app/console doctrine:mapping:import [--em=...] [--filter=...] [--force] <bundle> [mapping-type]
Doctrine: Shows basic information about all mapped entities - - $ php app/console doctrine:mapping:info [--em=...]
Doctrine: Generates entity classes and method stubs from your mapping information - - $ php app/console doctrine:generate:entities [--path=...] [--no-backup] <name>
Doctrine: Generates a CRUD based on a Doctrine entity - - $ php app/console doctrine:generate:crud [--entity=...] [--route-prefix=...] [--with-write] [--format=...]
Doctrine: Executes arbitrary DQL directly from the command line - - $ php app/console doctrine:query:dql [--hydrate=...] [--first-result=...] [--max-result=...] [--depth=...] [--em=...] <dql>
Doctrine: Executes arbitrary SQL directly from the command line - - $ php app/console doctrine:query:sql [--depth=...] [--connection=...] <sql_to_execute>
Doctrine: Executes (or dumps) the SQL needed to generate the database schema - - $ php app/console doctrine:schema:create [--dump-sql] [--em=...]
Doctrine: Executes (or dumps) the SQL needed to drop the current database schema - - $ php app/console doctrine:schema:drop [--dump-sql] [--force] [--full-database] [--em=...]
Doctrine: Executes (or dumps) the SQL needed to update the database schema to match the current mapping metadata - - $ php app/console doctrine:schema:update [--complete] [--dump-sql] [--force] [--em=...]
Doctrine: Checks the current mappings for valid forward and reverse mappings - - $ php app/console doctrine:schema:validate [--em=...]
Doctrine: Verify that Doctrine is properly configured for a production environment - - $ php app/console doctrine:ensure-production-settings [--complete] [--em=...]
Mounts ACL tables in the database - - $ php app/console init:acl


1.0 1.3 / 1.4 2.0
Install a new plugin $ symfony plugin-install [local|global] <channel_name>/<plugin_name> $ symfony plugin:install [-s|--stability=[stable|beta|alpha]] [-r|--release=preferred_version] [-c|--channel=PEAR_channel_name] [-d|--install_deps] [--force-license] <name> -
Adds a new PEAR channel - $ symfony plugin:add-channel <name> -
Lists all installed plugins. Also gives the channel and version for each plugin - $ symfony plugin:list -
Publishes web assets for all plugins - $ symfony plugin:publish-assets [--core-only] [plugins1] ... [pluginsN] -
Uninstalls a plugin - $ symfony plugin:uninstall [-c|--channel=PEAR_channel_name] [-d|--install_deps] <name> -
Upgrades a plugin. The default channel is symfony. If the plugin contains some web content (images, css or js), the task also updates the web/%name% directory content on Windows. - $ symfony plugin:upgrade [-s|--stability=[stable|beta|alpha]] [-r|--release=preferred version] [-c|--channel=PEAR_channel_name] <name> -


1.0 1.3 / 1.4 2.0
Generates a bundle - - $ php app/console generate:bundle [--namespace=Acme/BlogBundle] [--dir=...] [--bundle-name=...] [--format=...] [--structure]
Note: the bundle namespace must end with "Bundle"
Installs bundles web assets under a public web directory - - $ php app/console assets:install <target_dir> [--symlink]


1.0 1.3 / 1.4 2.0
Launch the test suite $ symfony test <application_name> $ symfony symfony:test [-u|--update-autoloader] [-f|--only-failed][--xml=file_name] [--rebuild-all]
Launches all unit and functional tests found in test/. If some tests fail, you can use the --trace option to have more information about the failures: $ symfony test:all -t - $ symfony test:all [-f|--only-failed] [--xml=file_name]
Outputs the test code coverage given a test file or test directory and a lib file or lib directory for which you want code coverage - $ symfony test:coverage [--detailed] <test_name> <lib_name>
Launches functional tests for a given application. The task launches all tests found in test/functional/%application% - $ symfony test:functional [--xml="..."] <app_name> [controller1] ... [controllerN]
Launches all unit tests found in test/unit - $ symfony test:unit [--xml=filename] [name1]...[nameN]


1.0 1.3 / 1.4 2.0
Erases (Clears) symfony log files $ symfony log-purge
in apps and environments where the logging.yml file specifies purge: on (default value)
$ symfony log:clear
Rotates an application’s log files - $ symfony log:rotate [--history = max_number_old_log_files_to_keep] [--period=period_in_days] <app_name> <env_name>


1.0 1.3 / 1.4 2.0
Extracts i18n strings from your project files for the given app and target culture. - $ symfony i18n:extract [--display-new] [--display-old] [--auto-save] [--auto-delete] <app_name> <culture>
Finds non internationalized strings embedded in templates. Is able to find non internationalized strings in pure HTML and in PHP code - $ symfony i18n:find [--env=env_name] <app_name>


1.0 1.3 / 1.4 2.0
Sends e-mails from the spool (queue) - $ symfony project:send-emails [--application=app_name] [--env=env_name] [--message-limit=max_number_msg_to_send] [--time-limit=time_limit_in_sec] php app/console swiftmailer:spool:send [--message-limit=max_number_msg_to_send] [--time-limit=time_limit_in_sec]

Directory Structure

1.0 1.3 / 1.4 2.0


1.0 1.3 / 1.4 2.0
Access the Request object (Controller) $this->getRequest(); $request;
Note: $request is the type sfWebRequest
Check if it is an ajax request (Controller) $this->getRequest()->isXmlHttpRequest(); $request->isXmlHttpRequest(); $this->getRequest()->isXmlHttpRequest();
Get a $_GET parameter (Controller) $this->getRequestParameter('page'); $request->getParameter('page'); or $request->getGetParameter('page'); $this->getRequest()-> query->get('page');
Get all $_GET parameters (Controller) $this->getRequest()-> getParameterHolder()->getAll(); $request-> getParameterHolder()->getAll(); $this->getRequest()-> query->all();
Get a $_POST parameter (Controller) $this->getRequestParameter('page'); $request-> getParameter('page'); or $request->getPostParameter('page'); $this->getRequest()-> request->get('page');
Get all $_POST parameters (Controller) $this->getRequest()-> getParameterHolder()->getAll(); $request-> getParameterHolder()->getAll(); $this->getRequest()-> request->all();
Access the Request object (View) $sf_request $sf_request {{ app.request }}
Get a $_GET parameter (View) $sf_params->get('page') or $sf_request->getParameter('page'); {{ app.request.query.get('page') }}
Get a $_POST parameter (View) $sf_params->get('page') or $sf_request->getParameter('page'); {{ app.request.parameter('page') }}


1.0 1.3 / 1.4 2.0
Session object (Controller) $this->getUser(); $this->getUser(); $this->getRequest()->getSession();
Store an attribute in session (Controller) $this->getUser()->setAttribute('foo', 'bar', 'admin'); $this->getUser()->setAttribute('foo', 'bar', 'admin'); $this->getRequest()-> getSession()->set('foo', 'bar');
Get an attribute from session (Controller) $this->getUser()->getAttribute('foo', '', 'admin'); $this->getUser()->getAttribute('foo', null, 'admin') $this->getRequest()-> getSession()->get('foo');
Set the user locale - or culture - (Controller) $this->getUser()->setCulture('en_US'); $this->getUser()->setCulture('en_US'); $this->getRequest()-> getSession()->setLocale('en_US');
Get the user locale (Controller) $this->getUser()->getCulture(); $this->getUser()->getCulture(); $this->getRequest()-> getSession()->getLocale();
Set a flash message (Controller) $this->setFlash('notice', 'Congratulations, your action succeeded!'); $this->getUser()->setFlash( 'notice', 'Congratulations, your action succeeded!'); $this->getRequest()->getSession()-> setFlash('notice', 'Congratulations, your action succeeded!');
Session object (View) $sf_user $sf_user {{ app.session }}
Get a flash message (View) $sf_flash->get('notice') $sf_user->getFlash('notice') {{ app.session.flash('notice') }}
Check a flash message (View) $sf_flash->has('notice') $sf_user->hasFlash('notice') app.session.hasFlash('notice')

URLs - links

1.0 1.3 / 1.4 2.0
Generate URL (Controller) $this->getController()->genUrl( 'article/read?id=123'); $this->getController()->genUrl( 'article/read?id=123'); $this->generateUrl( '_mycontroller_myaction', array('foo' => 'bar'));
Generate absolute URL (Controller) $this->getController()->genUrl( 'article/read?id=123', true); $this->getController()->genUrl( 'article/read?id=123', true); $this->generateUrl( '_mycontroller_myaction', array('foo' => 'bar'), true);
Generate URL (View) url_for('article/read?id=123') url_for('article/read?id=123') {{ path('_mycontroller_myaction', { 'foo': 'bar' }) }}
Generate absolute URL (View) url_for('article/read?id=123', true) url_for('article/read?id=123', true) {{ url('_mycontroller_myaction', { 'foo': 'bar' }) }}

Redirect / Forward

1.0 1.3 / 1.4 2.0
Redirect $this->redirect('module/action'); $this->redirect('module/action'); $this->redirect( $this->generateUrl( '_controller_action', array('foo' => 'bar')));
Forward $this->forward('module', 'action'); $this->forward('module', 'action'); $this->forward( 'AcmeDemoBundle:Hello:fancy', array('name' => $name));
Note: Internally, Symfony makes a "sub-request", and returns the Response object from that sub-request


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